Assalam Alaikum,
So far students have memorized full Surah Ash-Shams. However, their memorization gets lost in a week. We request parents to spend 10 minutes every day in practicing and retaining the memorization practiced in class for long time. Parent must help their kids to complete entire memorization by next class 10/27/2019. We sent a form along with your kid to review and sign.
We request parents to teach and practice reading of quran if their kids is not aware of how to read quran. Kids must be able to read Arabic letters and words and recite loudly. Some of the students are not familiar with Arabic letters and words, it is important for every muslims to learn Arabic in order to read Quran. Teaching them regularly through online Arabic tutors or by parents themselves help kids read Quran fluently. If your kid need additional attention, please let us know we are here to help you after the class.

Here are tips on reading and memorizing Quran
1. Being in State of Cleanliness and Wudu
2. Before the recitation of Holy Quran it is necessary to say Taudh & Tasmia
3. Repeat the verse/ line unlimited times until it’s stuck to your head. Consider downloading apps on phone/tablet that allow you to keep repeating the same ayat for several rounds
4. Listen to the Surah you were memorizing by your favorite Qari/Shaykh
5. Recite LOUD. It helps.
6. Don’t give up! The process is going to be long and tiring, but once it gets into your head, InshaAllah
7. Most importantly, istiqamah! Consistency is key. Set aside 5-10 minutes of your day on this task or aim to memorize one ayat/ line per day.

Thank you,

Mohammed Shaji Ahmed – Teacher
Khusya Nazneen – Assistant Teacher