Alsalam Alikom Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh
Today : 1- We have revised the first five Ayats in Surah Al-Zilzal and we have taken the sixth Ayah.
2- We have finished Dua’a Qunut in the Witr’s Prayer.
3- We have taken The Long Vowels (MADD) i) Alif Al- Madd page 44 in Arabic.
Homework : 1- Memorize the first Six Ayats of Surah Al-Zilzal.
2- Memorize Dua’a Qunut in the Witr’s Prayer.
3- Practice reading and writing The Long Vowels( MADD) i) Alif Al- Madd page 44 in Arabic.
Wa Jazakom Allah K’eira
Sister Nashwa Farahat