Subject Introduction: Allah the Most High, through his infinite mercy and wisdom has made the deen of Islam easy to learn and understand. This great blessing of Allah, can be appreciated by the student having a thorough understanding of the Pillars of Islam and the Pillars of Iman. It is important that the student recognize the primary difference between these sets of pillars: The Pillars of Islam focus on the apparent actions of a Muslim, i.e. his or her apparent deeds, while the Pillars of Imaan focus on the beliefs of a Muslim. This subject continues the student’s education in Iman and Islamic history by conveying to students the following:

A study of the family of Prophet Ibraheem and the lessons that can be derived from their biographies. A study of the life of the Prophet focusing on the Prophet’s life in Madina.
The spread of Islam in Africa.

Syllabus: Iman and History Syllabus   Lesson Plan: MCNJ Iman and History Lesson Plan L-4A   Study Guide: Fall 2019 – SG Iman and History for L-4A and 4B Sis. Farkhunda