Today in class we learned about:

-The Day of Judgement: It is the last day where Allah will wake us all up and weigh our good and bad deeds. If we have lots of good deeds we will go to Heaven (Jannah). If we have lots of bad deed we will go to Hell Fire. We should always be GOOD MUSLIMS so we can have lots of good deeds.

-The Quran was given to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Angel Jibraeel helped pass the the Quran down to the Prophet.

-The Quran is written in Arabic. It took 23 years for the Quran to be revealed.

– The Quran mentions the stories of 25 prophets.

-We read the Quran today because it is the ONLY book of Allah that has not been changed. The meanings of the Quran are the same.

-We do not read the Tawrah or Injil or Zabur because people changed the meanings of these books. We shouldn’t change the meanings or words of Allah.

-Inshallah the KG-B first exam will be in January. Next week I will give the students a study guide to review from. I will post the study guide on this website next week Inshallah.