8 Quran

//8 Quran

8 Quran-HW-For-11/18/2018

Verses (1-3) - Importance of fulfilling oaths and promises - Meaning of livestock and why Allah specifies them for sacrifice - The impermissibility of hunting while in the state of Ihram - How to slaughter both domestic and wild animals - ruling on horse and donkey - Permissibility of trading when going for Hajj or [...]

By | November 29th, 2018|8 Quran|Comments Off on 8 Quran-HW-For-11/18/2018

8 Quran-HW-For-11/11/2018

Verses (12-15) - Description of Yahya - Wise - Was given a scripture - Was a boy - Significance of Yahya being a boy - Difference between a boy and a man - How Islam defines an adult - Accountability begins at puberty - Mercy of Allah on both even with their age and because [...]

By | November 11th, 2018|8 Quran|Comments Off on 8 Quran-HW-For-11/11/2018

8 Quran-HW-For-10/28/2018

Verses (3-11) - significance of Zakariyyah calling on his Lord in secret - importance of asking for things that might be impossible and Allah still having the ability to grant them - why was it important to Zakariyyah to have progeny? - what is unique about the name Yahya and what does it mean? - [...]

By | November 4th, 2018|8 Quran|Comments Off on 8 Quran-HW-For-10/28/2018

8 Quran-HW-For-10/21/2018

Verses (1-2) - The blessing that was given to Zakariyyah - The story of Isa - miracles he performed - Before he was taken up Download: https://archive.org/download/TheQuranOxfrdWrldClas/The%20Qur%27an%20%28Oxford%20World%27s%20Clas%20-%20M.%20A.%20S.%20Abdel%20Haleem.pdf Read pages (194-195) and ask three questions that were unclear to you and post them in the chat group

By | November 4th, 2018|8 Quran|Comments Off on 8 Quran-HW-For-10/21/2018

8 Quran-HW-For-10/14/2018

Verses (7) - Meanings of Ta'weel - Two understandings of the verse and places of stopping Download: https://archive.org/download/TheQuranOxfrdWrldClas/The%20Qur%27an%20%28Oxford%20World%27s%20Clas%20-%20M.%20A.%20S.%20Abdel%20Haleem.pdf Read pages (191-193) and ask three questions about the reading that we're unclear to you and post the questions in the chat group.

By | November 4th, 2018|8 Quran|Comments Off on 8 Quran-HW-For-10/14/2018

8 Quran-HW-For-10/07/2018

Verses (4-6) - why mention previous books - sent message and guidance to previous nation's - those who disbelieve will be given a severe torment - Allah will give them retribution for their disbeleif in him - not possible to hide what is on the Earth (in our hearts and how they changed the books) [...]

By | November 4th, 2018|8 Quran|Comments Off on 8 Quran-HW-For-10/07/2018

8 Quran-HW-For-09/30/2018

Verses (2-3) - why Allah uses masculine pronoun - meaning of Allah - why Allah began verse by mentioning himself - meaning of Hayy - meaning of Qayyum - why these two names are related to Allah - if he is worthy of worship he must send down a book as a guideline to worship [...]

By | November 4th, 2018|8 Quran|Comments Off on 8 Quran-HW-For-09/30/2018

8 Quran-HW-For-09/23/2018

Verses (1) - who Zakariyyah was - who Imran was - how Maryam was born - significance of huruf muqataa Read from: https://archive.org/download/TheQuranOxfrdWrldClas/The%20Qur%27an%20%28Oxford%20World%27s%20Clas%20-%20M.%20A.%20S.%20Abdel%20Haleem.pdf Read pages 34-42 and come up with three questions about what you read that were unclear and post them in our chat group

By | November 4th, 2018|8 Quran|Comments Off on 8 Quran-HW-For-09/23/2018

8 Quran-HW-For-04/15/2018

Read Surah Al-Kahf (Ayah 59-82) 1- What is the moral of the story of the boat? 2- Why did Allah protect the treasure of the orphans? 3- Why did Elkhedr kill the innocent boy?

By | April 15th, 2018|8 Quran|Comments Off on 8 Quran-HW-For-04/15/2018