KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran

//KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran

KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran-HW-For-12/27/2015

The KG class will not be having a formal exam, however, to assess the student's learning, we will ask each student to be able to read/write the first nine letters of the Arabic alphabet. We will also review the arabic vowels in more detail over the next few weeks inshaAllah so please practice these with [...]

By | December 31st, 2015|KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran|Comments Off on KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran-HW-For-12/27/2015

KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran-HW-For-12/20/2015

We covered the letter dzal, practiced writing and pronounciation. We also started learning the arabic vowels (fatha, dhamma, kasra). Some students who were familiar with the vowels knew them under a different name (Urdu names: zabr, zeyr, peysh). As we move forward in class, we will be referring to the vowels with the Arabic names [...]

By | December 26th, 2015|KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran|Comments Off on KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran-HW-For-12/20/2015

KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran-HW-For-12/13/2015

We practiced writing the letter daal and learned the meaning of the word "duaa." We learned that we should only ask Allah for everything, including making duaa for those we love. We made "duaa hands" during class, in which we named the people we should make duaa for (Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, etc). At the [...]

By | December 14th, 2015|KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran|Comments Off on KG-2 Arabic Letters/Quran-HW-For-12/13/2015