1B Worship/Character

//1B Worship/Character

Subject Introduction:  Allah the Most High, through his infinite mercy and wisdom has made the deen of Islam easy to learn and understand. This great blessing of Allah, can be appreciated by the student having a thorough understanding of the Pillars of Islam and the Pillars of Iman. It is important that the student recognize the primary difference between these sets of pillars: The Pillars of Islam focus on the apparent actions of a Muslim, i.e. his or her apparent deeds, while the Pillars of Imaan focus on the beliefs of a Muslim. In this subject, the student begins the study of the Pillars of Islam by being introduced to the topics of Wudoo’, Salat, and Fasting. Additionally, the student will be introduced:

The 5 Pillars of Islam Wudoo’ and Salat

Furthermore, the student will be introduced to some of the important characteristics of a Muslim, such as: cleanliness, obedience to parents, and caring for others.

Syllabus: Worship_and_Character_1                      Lesson Plan: MCNJ Worship and Character Lesson Plan L-1B

Online Final Examhttps://tinyurl.com/y7sugp6g


April 2017

1B Worship/Character-HW-For-04/09/2017

In class, we covered 2 chapters which continue our discussion of manners. Specifically, we discussed ithaar & Caring, as well as obedience to Parents. We learned that Allah is pleased when we give others the same things that we ourselves love. We also learned about obeying our parents, as this is also pleasing to Allah (swt). For HW, please complete page 66 in the workbook. [...]

1B Worship/Character-HW-For-04/02/2017

In class, we completed Chapter 1 "Allah Loves Kindness" and read the two stories in the chapter about kindness to animals. We learned that being cruel to animals can make Allah angry, but being kind to them will earn us rewards from Allah (swt) inshaAllah. For HW, students were asked to complete the handout titled "A Muslim does not hurt or upset anyone." If your [...]

1B Worship/Character-HW-For-04/03/2017

Assalamu'alaykum In class, we completed Chapter 1 (Allah Loves Kindness). We read the two stories in the chapter that describe how one treats animals (and other creatures of Allah) can either earn them Allah's forgiveness & jannah, or, in cases of cruelty to Allah's creatures, it could result in Allah's anger. We also briefly discussed the hadith of the Prophet (saw) "A Muslim is the [...]

March 2017

1B Worship/Character-HW-For-03/27/2017

In class we started our new unit on Manners. We specifically discussed kindness (kindness to parents, family/friends/neighbors, and animals/plants). JazakumAllahu khairan, Sister Mariam, 2nd period Worship & Character

1B Worship/Character-HW-For-03/13/2017

In class we reviewed last week's lesson on the holy city of Makkah. We made mini models of the Ka'bah. After we completed our cute and short craft, we discussed the next chapter, which covers the second holiest city for Muslims, Madinah. HW due on 3/19/17: Workbook page 58. Also, please send coloring pencils or crayons with your child for use in the classroom. JazakumAllahu [...]