Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakaatuhu,

May this Ramadan bring the blessings for the entire humanity that we can walk on the way of peace and harmony! We wish that on this holy month your heart and home be filled with all the blessings of Allah (swt). Have a blessed Ramadan.

Parents, we are fast approaching the conclusion of this academic year. We would like to remind you all of the following important dates:

Sunday, May 19th: Exam for Worship & Character (for Levels 1-8) 
Crest Hill Exam for Life of RasulAllah (saw) (Level KG)  
Sunday, May 26th:
Exam for Iman & History (for Levels 1-8)
Exam for the Qur’an subject (for Levels 1-8)
Exam for Islam For Younger (Level KG)
Makeup exam for Worship/Character (Level 1-8)    
Sunday, Jun 2nd:  Makeup exam at MCNJ Fords Masjid
Makeup exam for Iman/History & Qur’an;
Sunday, Jun 23rd: Graduation

Please ensure that your children are adequately prepared for the upcoming exams.

Jazak’Allah Khair,
MCNJ Sunday School Administration.