Kunsan Assalam o Alaikum Parents,
I hope the kids are reviewing their letters, and practicing them with you. Please continue to practice the letters with them.
I am posting two worksheets about practicing letters ع and غ. Please have you kids practice them.
ع worksheet – https://image.slidesharecdn.com/aliftoyaaarabicwritingpracticesheetsdottedlines-150708182117-lva1-app6892/95/alif-to-yaa-arabic-writing-practice-sheets-dotted-lines-53-638.jpg?cb=1436379791
غ worksheet – https://image.slidesharecdn.com/aliftoyaaarabicwritingpracticesheetsdottedlines-150708182117-lva1-app6892/95/alif-to-yaa-arabic-writing-practice-sheets-dotted-lines-56-638.jpg?cb=1436379791

Marquette Please take a picture of the completed worksheets and send it to me through my email: sahertariq1234@gmail.com.
Also, I am posting a link of an Arabic letters song on YouTube that you can also use to review the letters:

If you have any questions please email me.
Sister Saher – sahertariq1234@gmail.com
Sister Hooreain – hooreainfatima01@gmail.com