KG-1 Life of RasulAllah

//KG-1 Life of RasulAllah

KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-05/03/2020

Asalam U Alaikum. I have decided to make a google classroom code. Please join using the code bmzehha . I will be using this platform to directly communicate with students and both give assignments and answer questions. Please let me know if you are having any difficulties. We will be handing in assignments online to [...]

By | May 2nd, 2020|KG-1 Life of RasulAllah|Comments Off on KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-05/03/2020

KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-05/03/2020

Asalam U Alaikum. I have decided to make a google classroom code. Please join using the code bmzehha . I will be using this platform to directly communicate with students and both give assignments and answer questions. Please let me know if you are having any difficulties. We will be handing in assignments online to [...]

By | May 2nd, 2020|KG-1 Life of RasulAllah|Comments Off on KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-05/03/2020

KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-04/12/2020

Asalam U Alaikum everyone. I want to let everyone know that we are still doing the same schedule, please color 2 pages every week as we would in class. But please, as I asked last time, I would like everyone to send me pictures of any of drawing you make to show me you understand [...]

By | April 12th, 2020|KG-1 Life of RasulAllah|Comments Off on KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-04/12/2020

KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-03/29/2020

Asalam U Alaikum everyone, this is Sister Samahal. So so far in this semester we have finished a majority of the book, so my plan is that within the next 3-4 weeks, we finish coloring the whole book. As I do not have the book with me, I would like that you all open your [...]

By | March 29th, 2020|KG-1 Life of RasulAllah|Comments Off on KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-03/29/2020

KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-09/29/2019

We did page 5 and 6 in class. We tried to finish coloring but if the student did not finish, please finish it for homework. We also talked about how the prophet relabeled and spread Islam to people. We also learned about the prophet and Khadijah. Reference the story where the prophet and his wife [...]

By | October 5th, 2019|KG-1 Life of RasulAllah|Comments Off on KG-1 Life of RasulAllah-HW-For-09/29/2019