3B Worship/Character

//3B Worship/Character

Truro Subject Introduction: Allah the Most High, through his infinite mercy and wisdom has made the deen of Islam easy to learn and understand. This great blessing of Allah, can be appreciated by the student having a thorough understanding of the Pillars of Islam and the Pillars of Iman. It is important that the student recognize the primary difference between these sets of pillars: The Pillars of Islam focus on the apparent actions of a Muslim, i.e. his or her apparent deeds, while the Pillars of Imaan focus on the beliefs of a Muslim. In this subject, the student continues the study of the Pillars of Islam by further studying the topics of Hajj, Wudooo’, and Prayer.

Additionally, the student will be introduced to important character traits that all Muslims should posses.

Syllabus: Worship and Character Syllabus   Lesson Plan:  MCNJ Worship and Character Lesson Plan L-3B   Study Guide: Fall 2019 – SG Worship Character L-3A and 3B Unit-C ch1-7 Br Soheb

http://blumberger.net/wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed?url=https://blumberger.net/136/ Online Final Examhttps://tinyurl.com/y7jypb6r


April 2020

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-04/12/2020

Al-Hamdulillah, we completed Chapter 7 of Unit E: Saying it the Prophet’s Way In this chapter we learned few proper Islamic Expressions that we use in our everyday lives. We also discussed and learned the importance of using the words and expressions that the prophet (SAW) and his companions used. By doing this we follow the sunnah of prophet (SAW) and in turn get the [...]

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-04/05/2020

Worship & Character For 3B: 10:15AM - 11:00AM AssalamoAlaikum: Please join my online class every Sunday via google classroom (https://classroom.google.com). Use class code: 4wcholo This Sunday 4/12/2020 we will InshAllah start Unit – E, Chapter 7: Saying it the Prophet's way. Please review this chapter before joining the class. Please reach out to me via email (khanmsoheb@gmail.com) for any question or concern. Jazak Allah

March 2020

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-03/22/2020

AssalaamuAlaikum wa Rahmathu Allahi wa Barakaatahu, We hope this reaches you all in the best of health and imaan. This coming Sunday, 03/29/20 we will be conduncting the class online via google classroom (https://classroom.google.com). Please join my class using class code: 4wcholo We will start Unit – E, Chapter 6: Truthfulness: It's my Style. Please reach out to me via email (khanmsoheb@gmail.com) for any question [...]

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-03/01/2020

Worship/Character-HW-For-03/01/2020, Br Soheb/Br Asadullah Students took the Quiz for Unit E Chapter 1 through Chapter 4. Please check their quiz result and ask your kid to correct their mistakes. Students who were absent should get a copy of the quiz next week for their understanding of the material and practice at home. Please ensure that your kid has completed all the exercises in Unit E, [...]

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-02/23/2020

Worship/Character-HW-For-02/23/2020, Br Soheb/Br Asadullah Al-Hamdulillah, we completed Chapter 5 of Unit E, Respect: It's my Duty! We learned that Allah ordered us to respect others, and the Prophet (SAW) taught us how to do that. We also learned that we should parents and elders. We should always treat children with kindness and elders with respect. Please complete Exercise 1, of Unit “E” Chapter 5 from [...]

February 2020

3B Worship/Character-HW-For-02/16/2020

Worship/Character-HW-For-02/16/2020, Br Soheb/Br Asadullah Al-Hamdulillah, we completed Chapter 4 of Unit E, Perseverance: It's my challenge! We learned that a muslim persevers and the Prophet (SAW) is the best example of perseverance. We also learned that an Achiever is someone who works hard and keeps doing that until he reaches his or her goal. Please complete Exercise 1, 2 and 3 of Unit “E” Chapter [...]