Highschool Islam and Our Lives

//Highschool Islam and Our Lives

Highschool Islam and Our Lives-HW-For-04/12/2020

http://hometownheroesrun.com/lib/introduction-to-the-theory-of-logic AssalaamuAlaikum wa Rahmathu Allahi wa Barakaatahu, Hope all is well with you and family. I ask Allah (SWT) to protect all of us and our families. Aameen. Please join for a lecture on Life Under Quarantine by Imam Farhan at 12:30PM Sunday 04/12 via zoom https://zoom.us/j/3874517055 Please see the recorded video here :  zoom_0.mp4

By | April 12th, 2020|Highschool Islam and Our Lives|Comments Off on Highschool Islam and Our Lives-HW-For-04/12/2020